Not much sleep Sunday night because of this fire. This preschool is just a block or so away from our house, and it was reported on fire at just about midnight. Fire truck sirens were blaring for about 20 minutes, then lots of shouting, and I could hear the trucks running, and the water splashing, and then the terrible smell. It's interesting that this fire is very close to the location of another fire a few years ago. Same street, and same block. In that case, a disgruntled renter set a house on fire. Fire investigators say they don't know about this one yet. Lots of surprised parents when they went to drop their kids off in the morning.
This looks like a desolate path, but it's not. It's the north side of the Boise River Greenbelt. The river is right through those trees. This path headed West is one of my favorite greenbelt spots. The path is mostly unpaved, it crosses lots of little bridges and it has interesting twists and turns as it keeps meeting up with the river.
This pumpkin vignette is in front of Edward's Greenhouse in Boise's North End.
This is one of the P.F. Chang's China Bistro horses which are found outside or in the entry of most of the chain's locations. I've never eaten at P.F. Chang's, and it's not on my to-do list yet. Is the food really that good? Someone told me the lettuce wraps were the best. Is it as expensive as I hear it is?
This sign is in the window of a Belgian chocolate store in downtown Boise. I didn't even know we had such a thing in Boise. All I could do was window shop during this visit, it was after hours.
It took me a while to figure out the squiggly design on top of the sign, do you see it right away? The "Cultural District" is the area around the Esther Simplot Performing Arts Center - ballet and opera are housed there, as well as a private school that focuses on the arts.
What a deal, eh? A tank top on sale for $50. I'm sure there is some designer reason why a tank top should cost this much, and as usual, I'm out of the loop on haute couture. I purchased two really nice long-sleeved t-shirts at Shopko over the weekend for $9.99 each.
This spider web bench is in front of a tattoo business. It's not a Halloween decoration, just their regular theme.
"Wee Bit O'Scotland" is a tiny store on Emerald in Boise. It's crammed full, just look at the offerings: weaponry, bagpipes and British foods. I've actually purchased clotted cream from this store. You can buy it in a jar - not quite the same as the real thing, but it helps satisfy the craving.
Well, yucky...this is an overflowing sewer in the middle of a street. We had thunderstorms and big rain, and by big rain, I mean 3/4 inch (0.76in / 19.3mm). That may not seem like a lot, but here with our clay soils in the high desert, the water doesn't really soak in to the ground very quickly.
Mark the date - September 20th, just shy of the first day of autumn and the stores are stocking the Christmas aisles. There is also plenty of Halloween merchandise. I don't see anything Thanksgiving-themed. I think that holiday has been crowded out of the consumer picture.
I can't decide if the person who posted this sign doesn't have kids, or want kids, or if they DO have kids!
Anne Frank peeking out of a "window" at the Idaho Anne Frank Idaho Human Rights Memorial. This is right along the Boise River. I walked through the memorial while downtown this week and met a nice couple from New York who came to Boise just to see the memorial. There are small waterfalls and walls featuring human rights messages from famous folks. And yes, the area gets vandalized about twice a year. Usually, swastika stickers and anti-Semitic graffiti. Last year, this Anne Frank statue was tipped over. A finger broke off and scrapes on the head - repairs were good, I couldn't find the damage spots during my visit.
The Harvest Moon this week, rising at dusk. My husband took this picture for me. The Harvest Moon gets its name because it shone bright at night so farmers could work late - back before lights were available.
A cool thought of splashing water because we've got a mini-hot spell going on. This is the fountain in front of the M-K (Morrison-Knudsen) building in downtown Boise. It looks industrial, which fits in with the M-K history.
I heard a commotion outside the front door, I thought someone knocked. Hello duck! I don't have a pond, I think she just wanted to say "hi." I took this picture a couple of months ago and remembered it because of a post by Kris, where he said ducks "brighten his day." They do the same for me, especially when they come knocking at my front door.
Metro Express Car Wash on Eagle Road - the longest car wash in the Northwest. It's not longest in terms of how long it takes, it's how far your car travels inside. Excellent wash in just a few minutes for $6 - with free vacuums. It's our family favorite.
It isn't snow, these are bubbles. This big fountain is at a nearby subdivision - and it's often a target of vandals who pour bubble soap into it. I figure this is because the subdivision is near a high school. Maybe it's not fair to blame high schoolers, but they did get caught once. The bubbles had faded to a soap scum by the afternoon. The ducks who live here have to find new digs for a few days when this happens.
Not easy to read, but fun to watch happen in the skies over Boise Thursday. "AIRSHO" - I don't think they kept flying to make it "AIRSHOW," but it got attention anyway. It was a promo for the Gunfighter Skies Air Show at Mountain Home Air Force Base (east of Boise) Saturday and Sunday. Admission is free.
I see quite a few lighthouse yard decorations in landlocked Boise. This one really has a light in it - I guess to guide people through the business parking lot. It's about the height of the one-story building nearby.
The Boise River at my favorite viewing spot. The water is much lower than my last venture with my camera earlier this year. I didn't see a single person on my short river walk, just Canada geese - which are arriving in flocks every day to spend the winter here - and magpies.
"Free squash - take as many as you like." This cart was sitting in front of a home in southwest Boise. It's a nice selection of pattypan, zucchini, summer, and crookneck squash. I took a couple of pattypans. Thank you!
Boise's bus system finally posted signs to explain bus stops and route numbers. Bus stop sites have always been a bit of a mystery, and confused by all the "bus benches" set up through town that have nothing to do with the bus system - they're just billboards. This sign on Goddard obviously didn't fare so well.
Get off the airplane at the Boise Airport, and when you go to retrieve your luggage, you can admire this tractor for sale. Interesting marketing - and they don't want you to get too close. Actually, I think the fence is to keep the kids off, and since this tractor is right next to the game area, I could see how kids would think it was a toy.
This is a lighted panel, mural at the Boise Airport - I suppose to promote the sport fishing industry. For those not into fishing, the man standing in the "water" is fly fishing - I hope he catches one of those big salmon! My neighbor across the street has a room in his home dedicated to tying his own flies.
I don't feel like I've had a full summer yet - but my maple tree is telling me different. And, we DID have a bit of frost on the rooftops this week. And my daughter did go back to school. And the black-chinned hummingbirds are gone. But I'm not ready. I want more summer, more flowers, more tomatoes, and more cucumbers.
The Stagecoach Inn is a restaurant and bar. I haven't ever been inside, but I've heard the food is excellent, and it is packed on weekends. I also used to have a boss who liked to go here for lunch and he came back in a different spirit, shall I say? I spy wagon wheels - and I'll add this to my collection (which you can see if you scroll down for the links on the right hand side of this page). The "stagecoach" theme also reminds me that a spur of the Oregon Trail was found after our recent fire in Southeast Boise. With the grasses and sagebrush gone, a swath of paths was revealed. I also didn't know that the subdivision where homes burned had obliterated portions of the trail. They're going to put up trail markers before the snow falls.
I found this sculpture sitting on a flatbed truck in a parking lot in Garden City. Garden City is surrounded by Boise City, and most people and businesses in Garden City have Boise addresses. Lady Liberty is in the parking lot at Woman of Steel. It's an art gallery and studio owned by a woman who works with metal art. I think it's a bar, too. I'll let you interpret the piece.
This is one of the niche displays outside Edwards Greenhouse in Boise's North End.
Too shy really to get a picture out of the shade. This is one of the sheep at a friend's house - within Boise City limits. Sheep are unusual in town, it's much more likely that people graze horses and cows on their "ranchettes."
As much as I WISH I could add this bovine to my "Cows of Boise Series" - you can see the list on the right hand side, scroll down - this is not a Boise cow. My husband sent me this photo. He's traveling for business reasons and it's TOP SECRET. I can't say where he is - but where he is has this cow on display. It's not Boise's "sister city" - the theme for City Daily Photo today. I love her shoes! If you've seen this cow, please don't spill the beans on her location.