Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Feeling Sheepish Within the City Limits

Too shy really to get a picture out of the shade. This is one of the sheep at a friend's house - within Boise City limits. Sheep are unusual in town, it's much more likely that people graze horses and cows on their "ranchettes."


  1. Well at least its an attractive sheep.

  2. Gosh, I just realized that I have never petted a sheep in my mumble-mumble years. The Philippines is really too hot for sheep — I've seen a few and they looked pathetic. I like this one's black face and feet.

  3. Diva, what's the difference between a ranchette and a farmette?

  4. Hey Wayne - probably real estate marketing appeal would be my guess. Ranch is a word that plays more into the Wild West theme that people pretend they live.

  5. I like the term ‘ranchette’. We call them ‘hobby farmers’ here in Tasmania. There have been a number of awful cases of neglect where they’ve just gone on holiday overseas and left animals to fend for themselves.


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