Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Parking Lot Lighthouse

I see quite a few lighthouse yard decorations in landlocked Boise. This one really has a light in it - I guess to guide people through the business parking lot. It's about the height of the one-story building nearby.


  1. It looks neat, better than an elevated stand I guess.

  2. That's just weird to me. I 'm used to lightouses here, but on the coast.

  3. The photo made me smile, but your comment made me laugh out loud. That is just too strange, but cute. :)

  4. I'm quite surprised to find a lighthouse so far from the sea! And such a nice one!

  5. Very cute! Not much need for lighthouses around Boise. :)

  6. je le trouve très mignon ce phare, très belle couleur.
    I think it is very cute this lighthouse, very nice colour.

  7. THanks for stopping by New Orleans Daily Photo. Hurricane Ike is sliding past us on its way to Houston-- we are holding our breaths.

    I like the light house decorations. I am just think that a bully like Ike would love to tear into one of those.


Thanks for stopping by!