Thursday, December 27, 2012

Little Bit of Snow, Lots of Busy Robins

Have a great day!


  1. Love the photo. After we moved to Boise I have seen a huge variety of birds. Robins are the one I see the least, but I do like then.

    Everyday things in photos

  2. Robins seem to visit my yard in cycles. They had been gone for months, but are now enjoying the crabapples.

  3. I wonder if that's the same confused robin I've seen in our yard the past couple of days. I don't usually see male robins until late January--and then there are small flocks of them. Our yard must be in their guidebooks, with a note "Great juniper berries." They swoop in, land in the two juniper trees, grab a quick bite and then they're on their way...somewhere else.

  4. Hi Cindy, they've definitely been hit-and-fly-away when it comes to eating this week. Never staying still, so getting a photo is tough.

  5. Debbie,

    Yes, as soon as I said, "I don't usually see male robins until late January," I started seeing more. Two today, while walking.

  6. How funny. I didn't see any today. They must have been out your way.


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