Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hummingbird Banding Saturday in Pearl

This female black-chinned hummingbird stopped by for dinner in the back yard last night. Don't forget that this Saturday is the annual hummingbird banding in Pearl (North of Eagle). We'll meet for the caravan/carpool at the Eagle Albertsons (at State St.) around 7 am. Educational. You get to hold a hummingbird. Free. All ages. Questions? Just ask.

1 comment:

  1. My wife has been really looking forward to this (she is looking at the as a birthday for me) :-)
    Unfortunately, I won't be able to go, because I went and got myself injured while exercising. However, my wife and daughters will be there. we meet at about 7:00am?

    -tahtimbo (Everyday Living)


Thanks for stopping by!