Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kitty Games

Meet our resident board game "helper," Sweetie. She especially likes to assist when playing Candyland. My daughter and I had a supply of candy canes, chocolates, gumpdrops and other sweets to eat when we entered each candy theme on the board. I had been telling her that when I was a child, the Candyland game came with a few small boxes of candy. It doesn't anymore. I wonder when they stopped that?


  1. The look says: This is my board and you can move when I say you can.

  2. Sweetie's waiting for her treats, too.

  3. Haha! Why do cats like to get in the middle of the game board? Ours do too!

  4. Love it. Nice of you to play on the floor so your feline friend can feel included. LOL!!


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