Friday, November 13, 2009

Mountain Fresh Snow

This is a view we like in November. Snow frosting the mountains with autumn trees in the valley. We're expecting more mountain snow through the weekend, and maybe a skiff at our elevation.


  1. Definitely God's country. Wow!

    Of course, I like the ocean, too. But here in Iowa we have neither ocean or mountains!

    Take care and good luck to your Boise State Broncos!!

  2. So pretty and yes, I'm with Brattcat, what's a skiff?

  3. a skiff is a light dusting of snow, I'm hoping for one during the game tomorrow.

  4. OMG this is sooooo beautiful. Wonderful shot, thanks for sharing it!

  5. Now I am really missing home! When people say that southern Idaho is not as beautiful as the rugged northern lakes and evergreen forests, this is the picture I need to have on hand to make sure they know how wroing they are. this Boise-girl is really missing home today!

  6. This is so beautiful! I really like the contrast on this one.

  7. Brrrr cold! But so beautiful!

  8. This was indeed one amazingly beautiful morning here in Boise! Not a fan of feeling that white stuff or the cold, however, I do love the look! Simply beautiful.


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