Saturday, July 18, 2009

Unknown Hawk - Maybe You Know?

This hawk has its dinner under its claws. I don't know what type of hawk this is, do you? Our local minor league baseball team is named the Boise Hawks, although as far as I know, there isn't a "Boise" hawk in my birding field guide.


  1. It's a Swainson's hawk (Buteo swainsoni)

  2. I do mostly see Swainsons' hawks around here, but they're usually not so reddish-brown on the breast.

  3. It is a young Swainson's according to Norm Nelson, son of Morley Nelson ...

  4. Thanks Steve for tapping such an expert. I see Swainson's light morphs often, but this one has so much rufous, it didn't look like a Swainson's to me.

  5. its an adult Swainson's, has the bib, dark eye, and overall adult plumage


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