Friday, July 10, 2009


I always thought this "Mo-Tel" looked cute along Capitol Boulevard....the rooms look more like cottages and the landscaping always looks good. However, when I stopped by to take a picture this week, I had second thoughts. It's not truly a "motel," it more like a place where people rent rooms for longer stays. And when I was walking in front of the place, lots of people were sitting outside and they all had something in common: they were extremely skinny. I'm no expert on these things, but I instantly got a vibe that the "something in common" was likely more than being naturally svelte or sharing dieting tips.


  1. It must be doing okay. There's a "No Vacancy" sign.

  2. I think it may be a "no-tell" Mo-tel...very interesting! Whatever's going on there, it's popular what with no vacancies!

  3. There is always a story, isn't there. You have me curious about the story behind the story here.

  4. I like the sign, is Capital Blvd, a main road through town?

  5. Who doesn't love a MO-tel?

  6. This is sooo funny! I was just noticing the same thing yesterday when I walked past The MO-TEL. i've always noticed that the "motel" never had vacancy, and I just assumed that BSU college students boarded there.

    It seems to be more of a "down on the luck" place to stay. lots of coffee cans outside the front doors, for cigarette butts no doubt. One tenant, wearing a rust colored robe, was standing in his doorway as I was walking by - he was NOT a college student, that i could tell!

    The MO-TEL does look nice for the most part though. I wonder if the "TV" on the sign was standard for television, back in the day - or if it stands for Treasure Valley?

    Anyhoo... keep up the great photos!

  7. How interesting that you would notice people are 'skinny'. Does this mean that the average person in the town is overweight?


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