Friday, May 15, 2009

Another Stray Mining Cart

An old mining cart sitting in front of a heavy equipment store. I spied it this week and it made me think of the picture below - which I featured here on BDP about a year ago.
I guess these are collector's items.


  1. A bit rusty, but I think it looks nicer than the bigger one.

  2. They sure would look strange around here. I would have one in my yard.

  3. We have a few of these around town. I don't think I've posted a photo of one yet!

  4. I love this sort of object whose work is done. Now you've given it a new image worthy of preserving. Nice job.

  5. I guess they are. And I like how they're kept with pieces of track or wooden supports.

  6. Most interesting. I was in an art gallery the other day in Des Moines and saw several items that were made out of rusty metal and were also very, very expensive!

    Perhaps the rust look is really in right now! I often see little rusty metal sculptures in gardens and around the metro area in parks, etc.

    At first I did not care for it, but it sort of grows on you.

    Take care and thanks for sharing these nice images.

  7. I don't know why I have this thing about coal mining, therefore I would love to have the rusty one in my garden (if I had a garden!)


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