Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Ski Resort Above Town

This is what we can see of the ski resort above town, called Bogus Basin. If you look closely, or click to enlarge the photo, you'll see lights on the left hand side of the mountain. The resort was gearing up for night skiing. I've gone night-skiing tons of times, in a previous life, and it was always interesting that the temperatures were often warmer at night than they were earlier in the day.


  1. I visited Idaho several years ago and fell in love with it. It's great to revisit through your eyes.

  2. Now that's weird. Do you know why that is? It's always cooler at night here.

    You know me with my questions :D

    Anyway, it's a magnificent view!

  3. Hello Boise Diva, Please forgive my boldness, but I am doing just a bit of blog surfing to tell people about my giveaway. There are no gimmicks. It is just my way of celebrating two yeas of blogging. I am giving away a free caricature drawn by me. I'd be honored if you came over to take a peek.

  4. Hi Hilda, around here, the coldest temperature of the day is right at sunrise, or just after, usually. So it makes sense that nighttime temps could be warmer than the early part of the day. There is also usually less wind in the evening, unless there's a storm, so the windchill factor drops.

  5. Hi Rick - I will stop by and congrats on two years!

  6. Warmer at night interesting. Night skiing sounds like fun.

  7. Not here, it's FRIGID up there at night. I think you'd find warmer temps in Alaska than Bogus at night.

  8. I have never had the chance to snow ski. Its on my to-do list.

  9. We don't have night skiing here and they have no plans for it at Telski, either. :( It's definitely colder at night here, though. Bone chilling after dark!

  10. Oh, I'd forgotten about dawn. You're right of course — it's usually colder then than at night. I'd forgotten because I'm never up that early ;D


Thanks for stopping by!