Friday, January 2, 2009

Mucky Muddy Weather

Rain, wind and muddy muck just about everywhere. Having all that snow melt last week has saturated our clay soil, plus, we're getting more rain. So, some shiny, happy news to share to reverse the gray! Amber Conger, an artist I "met" through this blog, is on the front page of our local newspaper today. Read about her winning art creation for the new Meridian City Hall. Below, an example of her work, a piece I really like. Congratulations Amber!
By the way, over at Eat Boise, I've posted my crab-stuffed shrimp recipe. It's a good thing!


  1. I do believe that it should really STOP raining.
    Love all the fancy stuff to the right now, your layout is fresh and great!

  2. Thanks for the plug!! Very excited about the project; a great start to the new year :)


  3. What neat sculptures, the one that won and the one that you posted, too. And I do wish that everyone could have a few days of no rain like we have, for the past two days. Of course, it's supposed to start back this evening and go on all week.


Thanks for stopping by!