Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Furry Bikinis Anyone?

This business came to mind the other day when I posted a picture of Squaw Butte, and gave a pronouncer for "byoot." This company that makes "furrkinnis" is pronounced the other way some might pronounce the word "butte." They make swimsuits and shorts out of muppet/plush animal fur. They also make hats and CD cases, and although I can't say it out loud to anyone because they might take it wrong, I actually OWN some of this "buttfurr." Okay, okay, I'll show you my collection....
A CD case...and a hat. No furrkinnis for me. But if you get one, let me know!


  1. Oh yeah, we get to see the sign! Big woop dee do!

    I'm thinking more along the lines of a Sports Illustrated type presentation.

  2. I, too, was wondering if we could see the goods.

  3. I'm caught between "No kidding!" and "Hahahaha!"

    Uh, won't you have problems when the furrkinni gets soaking wet?

  4. They are having a half off sale on a furrkinnis. Hats are cute. Great post!

  5. HAHAHA!
    This was amazing. I may have to go find this store and check it out :D

  6. Umm...

    I want to comment. I really do.

    Butt no good will come of it.

    ; )

  7. That name just is to much. I wear butt furr on my head. LOL

  8. That business should win an award for having the strangest business name ever!!

  9. Aaw, no furrkinni in your collection? ;P

  10. I did a google search on furrkinni. I don't know how to put this, but some of their products looked better than your hat!


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