Thursday, January 29, 2009

Abandoned Store?

It's fun finding these relics on the outskirts of town. I'm always surprised there are any left, and they're certainly harder to spot. I don't think this was a house. Maybe a store? I always wonder if the boards could be salvaged.


  1. Looks much too rotten to be salvaged from here. Great capture though!

  2. Back when I was working the fires, we would sometimes come across the remnants of homesteads. Some with scraps of clothing, pottery, furniture, etc

    Frozen in time

  3. I also like this sort of places. Has the tree grown inside?

    Thank you for your kind comment on 'M'. :-)

  4. Maybe it was a general store? I think the buildings like that around here get special funding so they can be kept up somehow.

  5. Leave it a bit longer and you can turn it into a museum .. " How things used to be "

  6. I would guess the boards could be used indoors as a wall covering in a den or family room. Lots of character there.

  7. i love that. you wonder when you see these, what kind of people were here and what did they look like. like a time machine. ;)

  8. Grab some of those boards and sell them on eBay. Call them "Boise Boards", real antiques for your next project. ha ha. Great picture.

  9. I like Gary's idea - sell them on eBay as Boise Boards!! Heh!

    Seriously if you take boards like that from an old building and run them through a planer and/or sand them down you often find a lot of beautiful wood. I have a friend who brings in old cedar boards that look just like those. He puts them in his plane and takes off the outter layer, sands them down and you see this incredibly rich, beautiful cedar wood!

    He then makes little jewelry boxes or step stools or chairs, etc. out of the wood and gets quite a bit of money at craft shows for those items.

    He is a full time carpenter but tells me that he actually makes about 1/3 of his annual income by salvaging wood boards and turning them into household items.

    Take care.

  10. Oops! I am sorry! I see the gentleman's name is Walker, not Gary!

    I should have said I really like Walker's idea!

  11. It would be neat to find out the history of the building. It does look like some type of store.

  12. Some people also really like the look of 'stressed' wood. And that wood really looks stressed. Nice shot.

  13. I wish Los Angeles had areas where I could take shots like these. Very nice.

  14. I wish Los Angeles had areas where I could take shots like these. Very nice.


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