Sunday, December 21, 2008

Snow Chair

Blowing snow has drifted under the normally-protected area at my front door. Maybe 7 more inches of snow tonight. We're doing a jigsaw puzzle and drinkings lots of coffee and hot chocolate. By the way....some good news posted from a commenter regarding Delsa's on Ustick Road. For details, click here.


  1. It's so pretty to me beacuse we just have horrible rain and grey days.

  2. Go ahead and plant it in that chair. Dare ya.

  3. There is something seriously wrong in seeing wicker and snow together. Love it! :D

    Hope your furniture doesn't get ruined though.

  4. Hi Hilda - you're right, wicker and snow don't mix. There are "all-weather" wicker chairs...meaning, they're plastic!

  5. Jim - my daughter took you up on the dare and it caused much squealing and set the stage for a round of snow angels.


Thanks for stopping by!