Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"No Lawyers" Bar

A popular hang-out place on the Boise Bench - the Crescent Bar-Grill with their famous "No Lawyers" logo. This used to be a small dive bar on Orchard. The newer location is nearby on Franklin. It's large with a nice patio out back. Below is the sign at the old location. The business that moved into the old crescent location kept the sign - even though I'm not sure it makes sense for what the business is.


  1. Seems like a good way to get yourself sued.

  2. No lawyers? They are probably cheap tippers anyway.

  3. Haha that's great (:
    Love your site! Moved to Boise a few months ago for school.

  4. samanthamarie - thank you for stopping by! I hope you're enjoying Boise.

  5. A meat market and with delicious food all day, I'm sure they bring in the business.

    Wayne, too funny!


Thanks for stopping by!