Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cinderella Visits Boise?

This is always a bit disturbing to me, one shoe at the side of the road. I see it fairly often, although, not usually with a sock inside. If this is your shoe, you can find it along Capitol Boulevard across from the Grove Hotel.


  1. Me too. I know someone went home barefoot!

  2. This must be a universal thing...these shoes along the side of the road or sidewalks. Sometimes a pair of shoes...sometimes a lone shoe. I've always wondered why?

  3. Looks like a Skecher in pretty good shape, too. Very weird.

  4. I find it disturbing, too. I always wonder about the story behind the shoe left behind...

  5. If you find that disturbing D. you won't want to hear about the 5 separate sneakers found along the BC coast with feet inside them. All in less than a year.


Thanks for stopping by!