Thursday, July 24, 2008

Public Art without Explanation

This is the public art at the corner of The Mode Building. The building has artsy stores and eateries inside. It used to be home to The Mode department store, with a wonderful cafe on the mezzanine with chicken pot pies I just loved. I also bought a sweater there in the late 1980s that I still have and wear sometimes. I believe The Mode went out of business around 1990. I don't know when these totem-style pieces of art showed up, and there's nothing around to explain them - at least, nothing I've noticed.


  1. I think they look pretty neat parked there where they are. It must set the site off. I liked reading your description of the area too.

  2. Looks like chess pieces stacked on top of each other.

  3. Very modern totem poles there.

    I hate it when I can't find information too. I'm an info addict, I think.

  4. I wonder if you are the first to say "hey, somebody ought to explain why this is here." Maybe several million people passed by without a question.

  5. Jim is right. It seems chess pieces. May be it says "The game is about to begin"...

  6. I hope people know whats in this building as i don't see any signs. Sounds like a nice place for an afternoon. I LOVE chicken pot pies. In Ohio, the best place is Bob Evans Restaurant. In Oregon -- hmm, never have seen that on a menu. The totem poles look very interesting posed here.


Thanks for stopping by!