Friday, April 18, 2008

Boise River Surge

I'll be posting Boise River photos throughout the weekend because the river is supposed to rise quite a bit. Those in charge of the spigots at the dams upstream are opening them wide. River flows where I took this photo will soon be around 1,500 cfs (cubic feet per second) - so a warning has been issued to stay out of the water. Although, it might entice the hardcore kayakers. But standing in the middle of the river to fish is not advised. A downside for the wildlife is that some ducks and Canada geese that nested along the banks may find their nests and eggs washed away. Those with homes along the river shouldn't see any major problems, the "real" flood stage for the river is somewhere around 7,000 cfs, although with all the development along the river in the Eagle area in recent years, I'm sure some of the giant homes would be flooded long before the river reached that stage. Compare water levels in this picture with April 3 here, it's always easier for me to look along the bank to see the difference. The bit of gravel and shrubs in the middle is not the other bank, it's just a little gravel bar-island - there are lots of those in the river.


  1. here is hoping it doesn't flood too badly

  2. Thanks for stopping by "hyde dp." I don't think it will flood too much, since it is controlled. But it's all dependent on how fast our spring warms up. If things get too hot, too fast, water managers will have to release more water, more quickly from upstream reservoirs. So far, we've had a cool spring. We have snow in the forecast this weekend, and the low temperature may get down to the low 20s. That's unusual for this time of year. I bet a lot of people will lose their early spring tender plants - and cherry trees probably won't make it.


Thanks for stopping by!