Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Good Morning Boise!

Sunrise from my favorite sagebrush encrusted view of the foothills. We have pretty sudden sunrises because they pop over the mountain range. Our sunsets are more gradual on the horizon. While this sunrise brings positive thoughts, Boise is struggling with bad news today. We had a perfect storm for fires late yesterday, and a grassfire spread to several homes on the southeastern edge of town. Nine homes were destroyed, and 10 more were damaged.
Update: a woman's body was found this morning in one of the destroyed homes, sad day.


  1. Sad news. :(
    But there is always sunrise.

  2. Sorry about the fires. At least the glow in your photo is from the sun and not a fire.

  3. That is so sad! I wish we could share our rain with you!

  4. I heard mention of the fires on the radio here in Tasmania, and when I heard “Boise” mentioned, I thought “I’ll have to check the blog this morning”. Glad to hear that all is okay your end. It’s always shocking when this sort of thing happens in cities. Hobart had some terrible bushfires in 1967 (something like 75 dead), and it very much prompted a change in attitudes around fire safety.

  5. un superbe paysage matinal, mais une triste nouvelle ;o(

    a beautiful landscape morning, but a sad news ;o(

  6. You can only reach the island by ferry (your car can ride on this ferry too, the ticket price for your
    vehicle depends on the capacity, 7 seater costs more than normal


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